Functional Bloodwork

Have you been told that everything looks “normal” on your bloodwork but still feel like crap? Allow me to be the judge of that…

I remember being debilitatingly sick, unable to get out of bed, couldn’t even bathe myself without fainting, yet being told by my doctor that everything was “normal” because the numbers on my bloodwork fell within the reference ranges. I was made to believe that my symptoms were all in my head and that I was crazy to think that I was unwell. This sent me on a mission to learn what I know now about functional bloodwork.

Functional bloodwork is a completely different perspective on viewing blood markers in an integrative and holistic way. Viewing bloodwork this way can pick up on patterns of imbalance that can be missed in the traditional interpretation of bloodwork. Additionally, the markers that are reviewed in functional bloodwork are far more comprehensive than those run at a standard yearly physical. 

As a response to this “issue” I have taken with the mechanical, disjointed allopathic model of “healthcare”, I have chosen to use my expertise to offer a new service in detecting functional changes in blood markers before they become pervasive states of dis-ease. 

If you’re like me and sick of being told everything looks “normal” when you clearly feel like sh*t, it’s time to have your bloodwork looked at through a functional lens.

This service includes:

A functional bloodwork panel with over 80 blood markers, a lengthy lifestyle + toxin exposure questionnaire, my overview of the results, and an hour long educational appointment with me to go discuss the patterns of imbalance at play, along with potential lifestyle and dietary modifications to support the body naturally.

The Minor Details:

• The cost of this all-inclusive (80+ marker bloodwork panel + appointment) service is $450. 

• I only work with LabCorp, so to qualify for this service, you must ensure that there is a LabCorp location accessible to you.

• I am able to offer this service to anyone in the United States EXCEPT for those living in NY, NJ or RI.